I find Beauty in the Every Day.
On Canvas. Through Photography. And Film.
Creativity and Imagination are Everywhere.
It is Yours to Discover.
My freelance Web design and development has moved to PJoncas Studios, there you can view my latest freelance work.
I am an artist — my passion lives through my creativity. My specialties are film/video, painting, photography and Web design.
I am currently working on a new site to showcase my work - stay tuned.

My Painting Gallery
My interest is in the forms and textures created when combining pigments directly on canvas. When I paint I’m searching for depth, density and hues that grasp the soul. I become so involved that my mind wanders and my unconscious takes over.

My Photography Gallery - Coming Soon
I enjoy photography because as you click your shutter release, you capture a second of life that no longer exists. I am a hybrid photographer — a traditionalist that still shoots black and white film but I also have a digital SLR which allows me to express my modern side.

My Web Portfolio
I have been working in the digital industry for five years, balancing my artistic eye with a business sense. I work with clients on interface design, development and coding. I have designed Photoshop-based mock-ups of home page and secondary pages and developed them into table-less HTML and CSS. View my complete Web portfolio.